Code Of Conduct


At Redwood we take pride in everything we do. We’re a global, respected software company that enriches the lives of people around the globe on a daily basis. We have gained the trust of our colleagues, customers and suppliers by acting the way we do: with respect and integrity toward our products, our people and our planet. This Code of Conduct summarizes everything we stand for and everything we look for in customers and suppliers around the globe. It is Redwood’s guide to appropriate conduct and business ethics.

This code is applicable to all employees, regardless of position in the company. If everyone abides by this code, we will continue to maintain the trust afforded to us. If you are ever in doubt over what to do, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it according to the code?
  • Is it ethical?
  • Is it legal?
  • Would it reflect positively on me or Redwood?

If any of the answers is “No” – don’t do it. In case you’re not sure, ask a colleague, your manager, HR or legal and discuss the matter.


At Redwood we develop leading products and solutions, which deliver exceptional value to our customers. As such we will always try to deliver our products to customers with the highest quality and care. That way we will always ensure that our customers will achieve the highest possible return and achieve their goals. We conduct business responsibly, accept, and abide by the laws and rules of other cultures and countries. We always act with integrity, so we don’t bribe or participate in corruption (see also our Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery policy). We always perform our business in an ethical way. This means acting according to local labor laws by expressly rejecting child labor. We adhere to laws against (modern) slavery and (human) trafficking (such as the 2015 UK Modern Slavery Act). We do not falsify documents or try to distort the true reason behind transactions. We don’t help others to circumvent any rules or regulations. We always respect Intellectual Property Rights.


The only way we can do this is by succeeding together. Teamwork and open communication are key in achieving this. We expect everyone to behave in a collegial, polite, honest, open, respectful and helpful way. At Redwood we care for each other and try to help those that need our assistance. We don’t slander and gossip about others. And we don’t discriminate, not on race, gender, sexual orientation or any other ground. In conclusion, we’re all accountable for our own actions and those of our colleagues. That is what makes Redwood a great place to work.


We care about our planet. We want to perform our business in a sustainable way by always considering how our actions impact our environment. This starts by the type of car we choose, our method of travel and the amount of garbage we produce. We strive for a balance and minimal impact on the environment.

And finally...

Use common sense when making decisions and be accountable for the outcomes. If you detect a breach of the Code of Conduct, please bring it to the attention of your manager, regional management, HR or legal. Or you can send an (anonymous) email to [email protected]. And you will be protected by our Whistleblower Protection Policy.

In a nutshell, we’re all accountable for our own actions and those of our colleagues.

1 GARTNER is a trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. 2 Magic Quadrant is a trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates.